How Often Should a Dryer Vent Be Cleaned?

Did you know that your dryer vent needs regular cleaning? It’s a task often overlooked by many homeowners. Surprisingly, very few people are even aware that such maintenance is necessary to keep their homes safe and their dryers running efficiently. So, if you’re someone with a dryer vent that hasn’t been looked at for years, […]

How to Improve Your Building’s Indoor Air Quality

For many people, the idea of improving indoor air quality can be a daunting prospect. After all, there are many possible sources of pollutants in our homes and businesses — from outdoor smog to cleaning products and beyond. But did you know that making small changes can go a long way in maintaining healthier indoor […]

Why Should You Hire a Professional to Clean the Air Ducts in Your Home?

Without air ducts, your HVAC system would be significantly less impactful and efficient for your home. Air ducts are responsible for processing air in every room, but if left unchecked, they can deposit some unwanted things into your space. Over time, dust and dirt build up within your ducts, and that dust goes right into […]